privacy policy

Cotton Stuff is committed to protecting your privacy. All personal information collected from you is used only to ensure the efficient delivery of your ordered items.

Cotton Stuff collects personal information when you ask a question, complete a form, make a transaction, or send us any e-mail. We utilize your personal information only to respond to queries, complete transactions, or deliver the products you purchase. If you are receiving any unnecessary emails from us, please let us know.

In instances of data collection, we may be privy to your name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, birthday and other pertinent information necessary to ensure efficient delivery of your purchased product.

Your credit card information or bank account information may be necessary in completing transactions. All financial transactions are conducted via PayPal’s tried and tested secure system servers.

Cotton Stuff does not sell, trade, assign, transfer or rent your personal information to other parties apart from our carefully selected partners in product delivery and in securing financial transactions (PayPal) that require your name, home address, and telephone number to properly fulfill your order.

Cotton Stuff may, at our sole discretion, edit this Privacy Policy. Notice of all changes to the Privacy Policy will be provided.

If you have questions or suggestions about our privacy practices, please contact us!